Greetings once again. I’ve added a handful of items since the last checkpoint, all at a slow pace. I’m much more focused these days on playing or writing music, so even when I’ve got some albums and books to review, as I do now, it takes a while to put on the writing hat and churn out words. This isn’t the first time I’ve made such a disclaimer, and I should admit that this site is closer to becoming an “as is” archive rather than a constantly expanding resource. More reviews and essays will appear, but I don’t know when. If you’re curious, I play guitar, with or without a lovely palette of effects, mostly in the gray areas between jazz and fusion – not that those words really tell you much. Standards, originals, ambient improvisations, funk or Latin grooves, occasional rock’s all good fun and a healthy challenge.
Thanks for reading, and I still check my email regularly (chris at jazzshelf dot org), if you’ve got any comments. Keep your ears open, support your local vigilantes, beware the witch doctors and faith healers, and best wishes for the rest of the year.